10 Reasons Your Airbnb Is Not Getting Booked & How To Fix Them

Are you a frustrated Airbnb host wondering why your listing is not getting booked?

You've put in all the effort to create a stunning listing, but the bookings just aren't coming in. Don't worry, you're not alone. Many hosts face the same challenge of getting their Airbnb properties noticed and booked.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 reasons why your Airbnb is not getting booked and provide you with practical solutions to fix them.

Whether it's:

  • poor visibility in search results,

  • lack of enticing photos, or

  • ineffective pricing strategies,

    we've got you covered.

Our team at Stayful of experienced Airbnb management professionals has analysed countless Airbnb listings and identified common pitfalls that hinder bookings. We will share insights and actionable tips to help you optimise your listing, improve your rankings, and attract more guests.

By addressing these key issues, you can turn your underperforming Airbnb into a highly sought-after property. Let's dive in and discover how to make your listing stand out from the crowd and earn those much-desired bookings.

Too long minimum night stay

One of the most common reasons why your Airbnb is not getting booked is due to a too long minimum night stay requirement.

70% of Airbnb bookings are 1 night stays

Guests often prefer the flexibility to book for shorter durations, especially for weekend getaways or last-minute trips.

By setting a high minimum night stay, you may be inadvertently turning away potential customers who are looking for a more convenient and accessible booking experience.

How to fix

Focus on being flexible

When it comes to setting the minimum night stay, it's important to strike the right balance. While you may want to ensure a certain level of occupancy and revenue, being too restrictive can significantly limit your pool of potential guests.

Analyse your market and competition to determine the optimal minimum night stay that aligns with guest preferences in your area.

Adjust your minimum night stay

Consider adjusting your minimum night stay to a more reasonable level, such as 1-2 nights for urban properties or 2-3 nights for rural or vacation-oriented listings.

This will make your Airbnb more appealing to a wider range of guests and increase the chances of securing more bookings. Remember, flexibility is key when it comes to attracting guests in the competitive vacation rental market.

Poor Airbnb Title or description

Another common issue that can hinder bookings for your Airbnb is a poorly crafted title or description.

Your listing's title and description are the first things potential guests see, and they play a crucial role in capturing their attention and convincing them to book your property.

A lackluster or generic title, such as "Cozy Apartment in the City," may not effectively communicate the unique features and benefits of your Airbnb.

How to fix

Eye catching titles

Instead, craft a title that is attention-grabbing, descriptive, and highlights the most appealing aspects of your property. Consider including keywords that potential guests might search for, such as the location, amenities, or specific style of the accommodation, also include numbers such as “10% off weekly stays.”

Make your description engaging

Your property description should be engaging, informative, and showcase the unique selling points of your Airbnb. Avoid generic or vague language, and instead, paint a vivid picture of the guest experience.

Highlight the standout features, such as:

  • stunning views,

  • luxurious furnishings,

  • proximity to local attractions.

Use persuasive language that evokes emotions and creates a sense of excitement for potential guests.

Your Airbnb is not unique

In the crowded vacation rental market, it's essential to differentiate your Airbnb from the competition.

If your property doesn't offer a unique or compelling experience, it may struggle to stand out and attract bookings.

Look at your competition

Take a critical look at your Airbnb and assess how it compares to similar listings in your area.

What makes your property unique? Do you offer any special amenities, design features, or experiences that set it apart? If your Airbnb is simply a generic apartment or house without any distinctive characteristics, it's time to consider ways to make it more unique and appealing.

Be creative with your property

Brainstorm ways to add unique touches to your Airbnb, such as:

  • custom-designed decor.

  • Themed rooms.

  • exclusive experiences for your guests.

You need to focus on being able to provide things that you competition will not or even better, can’t provide, this will create a MOAT around your business and protect you from things like seasonality.

Poor quality photos

The quality of your Airbnb's photos can make or break your listing. Potential guests rely heavily on visual cues when choosing a vacation rental, and if your photos are lackluster or unrepresentative of the actual property, it can significantly hinder your bookings.

Invest in good photos

Invest in high-quality, professional-grade photos that showcase your Airbnb in the best possible light.

Ensure that the images are well-lit, in focus, and accurately depict the various rooms, amenities, and unique features of your property.

Avoid using low-resolution, blurry, or cluttered photos, as they can give the impression of a poorly maintained or unappealing space.

Get a professional Airbnb photographer

Consider hiring a professional photographer or utilising the services of an Airbnb-approved photographer to capture your Airbnb in the most visually compelling way.

These experts understand the nuances of vacation rental photography and can help you create a visually stunning portfolio that will captivate potential guests and encourage them to book your property.

Bad interior design

The interior design of your Airbnb can have a significant impact on its appeal and bookings. If your property's decor and furnishings are outdated, unappealing, or poorly executed, it can turn off potential guests and make them less likely to book your listing.

Take a critical look at your Airbnb's interior design and assess whether it aligns with the expectations and preferences of your target guests.

  • Is the furniture comfortable and in good condition?

  • Does the colour scheme and overall aesthetic create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere?

  • Are the lighting and fixtures up-to-date and functional?

If your Airbnb's interior design falls short, consider making strategic upgrades and improvements.

  • Invest in high-quality, comfortable furniture,

  • Update the decor with modern and stylish elements, and

  • Ensure that the overall aesthetic is visually appealing and aligned with the type of experience you want to offer your guests.

By creating a well-designed and visually stunning interior, you'll be more likely to attract bookings and positive reviews.


Your pricing strategy is wrong

Pricing your Airbnb correctly is crucial for securing bookings and maximising your revenue. If your pricing strategy is off, it can make your property appear too expensive or too cheap, both of which can deter potential guests.

Analyse the pricing of similar Airbnb listings in your area to determine the optimal range for your property.

Consider factors such as:

  • the size,

  • amenities,

  • location

  • demand for your type of accommodation.

Avoid pricing your Airbnb significantly higher or lower than the competition, as this can make it appear overpriced or undervalued.

Your prices will change

Additionally, be mindful of seasonal fluctuations in demand and adjust your pricing accordingly.

During peak travel seasons or holidays, you may be able to charge a premium, while during off-peak times, you may need to lower your rates to remain competitive.

Regularly review and update your pricing strategy to ensure that it remains aligned with the market and your target guests' willingness to pay.

This also ties in with being unique in your property, this can create value for money making you have to change your pricing less.

Bad reviews on your listing

Negative reviews can be a significant deterrent for potential guests, and if your Airbnb has a poor overall rating or a history of bad reviews, it can severely impact your bookings.

Carefully review the feedback you've received from past guests and identify any recurring issues or concerns.

Be proactive in reading your reviews

Are their common complaints about the cleanliness, amenities, or host responsiveness?

Sometimes you can never please guests, but if there is repeat complaints about your property especially if they are similar, you could have a problem that needs addressing.

Address these problems proactively and implement measures to improve the guest experience.

Chase for reviews on your property

Encourage your satisfied guests to leave positive reviews, and respond promptly and professionally to any negative feedback.

Acknowledge the guest's concerns, explain the steps you've taken to resolve the issue, and demonstrate your commitment to providing an exceptional experience.

By actively managing your reviews and addressing any concerns, you can improve your Airbnb's reputation and increase the likelihood of securing more bookings.

Poor due diligence

Sometimes you just can’t get a property to work, this is not due to any of the above factors and more that the property is just not a good one in an area people do not visit very often, to which their is nothing you can do about that, this is why it is important to know your due diligence process and understand your numbers before investing your money, we have some free tools to help with this.

Airbnb mastery academy - free and covers some basics on Airbnb investing.

Free Airbnb deal analyser - gives you a template to fill out to estimate profits.

Airbnb income calculator - A process to help you understand revenue and profitability of your potential new Airbnb investment.

Not enough amenities

Guests today expect a certain level of amenities and conveniences when booking an Airbnb, and if your property falls short in this area, it can negatively impact your bookings.

Review your amenties

Take a close look at the amenities you currently offer and compare them to the expectations of your target guests. Are you providing essential items like:

  • high-speed Wi-Fi,

  • a well-equipped kitchen,

  • comfortable bedding,

  • clean towels?

Do you offer any additional amenities that can enhance the guest experience, such as a hot tub, outdoor seating area, or smart home technology?

Consider adding or upgrading the amenities in your Airbnb to meet the expectations of your target guests.

This can include:

  • investing in new appliances,

  • upgrading the bedding and linens, or

  • providing convenient features like a self-check-in system or smart home controls.

  • Adding parking if your property has none.

  • Swapping your beds to sofa beds.

  • Adding TV subscription services

By ensuring that your Airbnb is well-equipped with the necessary amenities and thoughtful extras, you'll be more likely to attract bookings and positive reviews from your guests.

Not Using An Airbnb Management Company

If you are struggling, it could be you lack the experience needed to properly run your Airbnb property to which choosing a good Airbnb management company is going to solve this, often management companies do not take on every property that comes their way, so if you partner early, you can avoid costly mistakes, Airbnb management companies can offer things like:

  • Guest communication.

  • Listing management.

  • Adding amenities.

  • Chasing for reviews.

  • Advise on adding unique features.

  • Best pricing strategies.

  • Interior design & Professional photo advise.

Stayful provide all of these services with our management if you are interested in learning more then lets have a chat!


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