How do I handle lost and found items left behind by guests?

When you find an item left behind by a guest, contact them and arrange for its return by mail or in-person pick-up depending on their location and preference.

Store the item safely until it is returned. If the guest opts not to retrieve their lost item or it remains unclaimed after a reasonable period, have a procedure in place for disposal or donation.

Airbnb management services, like Stayful, are equipped with protocol and expertise to manage all of this for you.


  • You should contact the guest through the Airbnb platform as your first point of contact. If the guest doesn’t respond, you may then try any additional contact information provided, such as a phone number or email address.

  • There are several options for returning lost items. You might mail the item to the guest, arrange for a courier service, have them pick it up if they’re local or still in the area, or suggest meeting at a convenient location. The best option will depend on factors like the size and value of the item, the guest’s location, and their preference.

  • Typically, the guest would cover the cost of returning a lost item. However, it’s essential to communicate this to the guest upfront and to agree on the method and cost of return. It’s also important to handle the situation with empathy and professionalism to ensure a positive experience for both parties.

  • Respecting guests’ privacy is essential, so you should avoid inspecting personal items unless absolutely necessary to identify the owner. If you must check an item, handle it with care and respect.

  • You should store lost items in a secure and safe place where they won’t be damaged. Consider using a locked storage space or a secure room to prevent unauthorised access. It’s also a good idea to label the items with the guest’s name, the date you found them, and any other relevant details.

  • In the UK, there’s no specific legal timeframe for storing lost items left by Airbnb guests, but a commonly accepted period is around three months. As a host, promptly inform the guest of the lost item and your storage policy.

  • There’s no specific procedure for disposing of unclaimed lost items as an Airbnb host, but it’s generally suggested to wait around three months before considering an item unclaimed. Make sure to document your attempts to contact the guest in case of any disputes or claims.

    Once the waiting period is over, you can dispose of the item or donate it to charity. For high-value or personal items, it may be worth consulting with a legal professional. Always check with local authorities or a legal advisor to stay up-to-date with regulations.

  • Airbnb hosts have a duty to manage items left behind by guests responsibly. This means securely storing these items and attempting to contact the guest for their return. Hosts may be allowed to dispose of the items if they cannot reach the guest within a reasonable timeframe, subject to local laws.

    Failure to fulfil these obligations could result in hosts being held accountable for any loss experienced by the guest, such as the replacement cost of the item or associated inconveniences.

  • To prevent lost items, you can provide clear reminders to guests to check for their belongings before they leave – this can be in your checkout instructions or in a reminder message before their departure. Additionally, providing ample, clearly defined storage spaces in your property can help.

  • Airbnb management services can handle the entire lost and found process for you. They can contact the guest, arrange for the return of the item, store it safely, and dispose of it if unclaimed, helping you save time and to handle the process professionally.

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