How do I handle booking requests and inquiries from guests?

You should always respond promptly to booking requests and guest enquiries. This is a crucial part of providing a good experience as an Airbnb host. Your guests will appreciate it if you are responsive to their questions and concerns.

Aim to reply to all messages within a few hours – ideally within the hour. Fast response times will not only create a good first impression but will also improve your listing’s search ranking on Airbnb. Provide clear, concise answers, and be polite and professional in your communications.

It’s important to be transparent about your prices, cancellation policies and house rules. However, try to be flexible and accommodate requests whenever possible. If you need help handling enquiries, an Airbnb management company can take care of it for you.


  • The best way to handle booking requests from guests is to respond as soon as possible. First, review the details of the booking, including the proposed dates and how many people will be staying. You can also view the guest’s profile to learn more about them and read reviews left by other hosts.

    Make sure to address any questions they may have and double-check any details you’re unsure of. Once you have all the information you need, you can accept or decline the request.

  • To ensure that you respond promptly to guest enquiries, download the Airbnb app to your mobile device. This will allow you to manage your listing and inbox even when you’re away from your computer. Enable notifications so that you’ll be alerted when a new message comes through.

    You can also set up an automatic response to let guests know that you’ll be in touch as soon as possible. Additionally, consider creating saved replies for frequently asked questions, such as directions and check-in and check-out times.

  • When reviewing a guest’s profile, it’s important to check that they have a verified ID. You should also read the information they have provided to get a sense of their personality. Pay attention to any special requirements, such as dietary restrictions or accessibility needs, to ensure you can accommodate them. Look for details of their travel history and past stays, and read reviews left by other hosts. This can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to accept their booking request.

  • Yes, you can hire an Airbnb management company to handle all booking requests and guest enquiries for you. In fact, they can take care of every aspect of running your holiday let, such as optimising your listing, organising your booking calendar and reviewing guests’ profiles. They can even manage check-ins and check-outs, arrange cleaning and maintenance services and handle emergencies on your behalf. To find out more, contact Stayful today.

  • Establishing clear house rules is essential for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. Some important house rules to consider include:

    Check-in and check-out times and procedures

    Noise restrictions

    Policies on smoking, pets and parties

    Cleaning and housekeeping expectations (e.g. washing dishes and recycling)

    Rules around the use of amenities such as hot tubs

    Any areas that are off-limits to guests

    Safety and security measures (e.g. closing windows and locking doors)

    What to do in case of emergency

    Make sure to clearly communicate these rules to guests before they arrive.

  • There are many ways to communicate your expectations to Airbnb guests. While setting up your listing, you will be given an option to provide a list of house rules. You can also add key information and important details into your listing description.

    When you receive a new booking, send the guest a message with directions, check-in and parking instructions and anything else they need to know. Finally, provide a guest information book for them to read when they arrive. Be clear about what you expect from guests and what they can expect from you.

  • If you need to decline a booking request, do so as soon as possible, so that the guest has time to make other arrangements. Send them a polite message explaining that you cannot fulfil their booking, and provide a reason for the decline. This can help avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. You can also suggest alternative dates or recommend other accommodation options that may better suit the guest’s needs.

  • It is important to create a clear and reasonable cancellation policy. You can choose a flexible, moderate, firm or strict option under ‘booking settings’. Guests will be able to view your policy before they book – however, you can also include it in the listing description.

    When you receive a booking request, message the guest to remind them of any conditions surrounding cancellations or refunds. You can also hire an Airbnb management company to organise bookings and communicate with guests on your behalf.

  • To ensure that guests comply with your house rules, they should be clear, concise and easy to read. Avoid adding too much information so as not to overwhelm or confuse your guests. Before their arrival, remind guests of the rules and let them know you are happy to answer any questions they may have. Additionally, consider providing a hard copy of the rules in the rental property. This should be displayed somewhere noticeable, such as next to the television or on the bedroom door.

  • Some common mistakes hosts make when handling booking requests and enquiries include:

    Taking too long to respond, leading to missed bookings

    Not reading guests’ profiles

    Skim-reading messages and missing important details

    Not clearly addressing guests’ queries and concerns

    Providing inaccurate, incomplete or inconsistent information

    Ignoring guests’ requirements and preferences, such as dietary needs

    Failing to clearly communicate expectations or house rules

    Being too inflexible and unwilling to accommodate reasonable requests

    These mistakes can cause frustration and inconvenience, which may negatively impact your reviews and booking rate. An Airbnb management company can help you avoid these issues and provide a positive guest experience.

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