How do I handle late check-ins or early check-outs?

It’s important to be understanding when an Airbnb guest requests to change their check-in or check-out time. Travel plans can change for many reasons, so aim to accommodate these requests where possible. This can lead to positive guest experiences, improving your reputation as a host.

Installing a lock box or keypad entry system will allow guests to arrive late or depart early, even if you are not present. Provide clear instructions to avoid confusion. Consider early check-in and late check-out requests on a case-by-case basis, allowing yourself sufficient time to prepare the property between stays. Alternatively, you can let an Airbnb management service handle all of these intricacies for you.


  • As an Airbnb host, being as flexible as possible when it comes to check-in and check-out times is important. There are many unforeseen circumstances that could affect guests’ travel plans, such as illness, unexpected traffic or delayed flights. The option to check in or check out early or late can alleviate stress and provide added convenience, improving the guest experience. It may also make your property more attractive to potential guests, resulting in more bookings.

  • There are many ways to handle keys and property access for guests who are checking in late or checking out early. One of the most popular methods is to provide a self check-in option, which allows guests to retrieve the keys themselves or unlock the door using a code. This eliminates the need for you to meet guests at the property in person. Alternatively, an Airbnb property management service can handle key exchange for you.

  • To set up a self check-in system, you’ll need to arrange a way for your guests to access the property when you’re not there. This could be as simple as leaving the key hidden somewhere for them to find. However, a more secure option is to install a key safe or lock box, which requires guests to input a code to retrieve the keys. Alternatively, you could install a keypad door lock. Whichever method you choose, make sure to provide clear instructions and send your guests the entry code well in advance.

  • To ensure guests read and understand your check-in and check-out instructions, keep them straightforward and concise. You should provide:

    Directions to the property

    Guidance on how to locate and operate the key safe or smart lock

    Clear check-in and check-out times

    Instructions for vacating the property (e.g. tidying up, taking out rubbish, locking doors and windows, where to leave the keys)

    After a booking is confirmed, send these instructions straight away along with your house rules and any other important information. Closer to the arrival date, send a reminder and provide a contact number in case of any issues.

  • Accommodating guests who wish to check in early or check out late requires a bit of planning. One option is to plan your cleaning and maintenance tasks with a buffer time, which could allow for a degree of flexibility. You could also offer a secure location where guests can store their luggage before check-in or after check-out. Your policies regarding early check-ins and late check-outs should be clearly stated in your listing, and any requests should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Yes, Airbnb allows hosts to set additional fees for early check-ins or late check-outs. This can help you expedite the process of cleaning and preparing your property between stays, e.g. by hiring an additional cleaner. These fees and conditions must be clearly stated in the listing description. If a guest requests an early check-in or late check-out, you can update the cost of their reservation by sending them a trip change request.

  • If you cannot accommodate a guest’s request to check in or out at a different time, let them know straight away. Be polite and professional, and explain your reason for declining. Offer alternative solutions if possible, such as storing their luggage if they arrive early. Reiterate your check-in and check-out times and confirm that these will work for your guest. If not, and they need to cancel their booking, make sure they do so on their end. If you cancel a reservation as a host, you may face penalties.

  • If a guest arrives early and you are unable to accommodate them, communicate the issue clearly and politely. Explain that the property is still being cleaned and prepared for their stay, and remind them of the check-in time. You could suggest local attractions or restaurants to visit in the meantime, and offer to store their luggage if possible. Finally, let them know that you will call or message them as soon as the property is ready.

  • If a guest does not check out on time, communicate with them immediately to understand the situation. Explain that the departure time has passed and that you need to begin preparing for the next guests. You may be able to charge a fee for the late check-out if you made this clear prior to booking.

    As their reservation has ended, you have the right to enter the property. If the guest refuses to leave, you may need to involve Airbnb’s customer service or, in extreme cases, local authorities.

  • An Airbnb management company can handle all aspects of booking management, guest communication, check-ins and check-outs on your behalf. They typically offer flexible self check-in options and provide detailed instructions for guests. In cases of early arrival or late departure, the company can liaise with the guests to offer solutions while ensuring the property is ready for incoming guests. They can also handle any disputes or issues arising from late check-outs, providing a hassle-free experience for hosts. Contact Stayful today to learn more.

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