How do I handle security deposits and damage claims?

Decide on a reasonable security deposit amount based on your property’s value and potential risks. Ensure guests are aware of the security deposit and what it covers, as this can reduce misunderstandings later.

If you notice any damage after a guest’s stay, document it immediately with photographs or videos. You can then compare before and after images to ensure the damage occurred during a guest’s stay. Sometimes, misunderstandings can be resolved amicably through communication, but you can submit a claim via Airbnb’s Resolution Centre if the guest does not cooperate.

Remember, claims should be made within 14 days of the guest’s departure or before the next guest checks in, whichever is sooner. If you would like help dealing with issues like these, talk with an Airbnb management service like Stayful.


  • No, it’s not mandatory to charge a security deposit. However, it is highly recommended as it can deter potential damage and provides some financial security to cover damages or extra cleaning costs caused by guests.

  • The amount you set can vary greatly depending on factors like the value of your property and items within it, location, type of guests you’re targeting, and duration of their stays. A good rule of thumb is to consider the cost of potential damages or the replacement cost of valuable items in your property.

    It’s also helpful to research similar listings in your area to gauge an appropriate amount.

  • The security deposit covers accidental damage or violations of the house rules. This might include broken furniture, stained linens or carpets, or damaged appliances. It can also cover additional cleaning costs if the guest leaves the property in a state that requires excessive cleaning.

    Additionally, the security deposit covers income lost if you need to cancel confirmed Airbnb bookings due to damage caused by a guest.

  • Yes, if items from your property are missing or stolen during a guest’s stay, you can file a claim through the Airbnb Resolution Centre. Documentation (e.g., prior inventory lists, photographs of the space before and after, and proof of the item’s value) will strengthen your claim.

  • Take clear, high-resolution photographs or videos as soon as you notice the damage. Make sure to capture different angles, close-ups, and wide-angle shots to provide an accurate representation. In some cases, including reference items for scale might be useful.

    Document the date and time and write a brief description. If possible, compare your photos or videos to pre-stay photographs to highlight the discrepancy.

  • If you don’t make a claim against the security deposit within 14 days of the guest’s checkout (or before the following guest checks in — whichever comes first), you will lose the right to claim for any damages. Airbnb’s Guest Refund Policy states that hosts must submit a claim within 14 days of the guest’s checkout to be eligible for reimbursement.

  • If a guest disputes a damage claim you’ve made, it’s essential to maintain open and respectful communication. Provide all the evidence you have collected. Sometimes, it’s a genuine misunderstanding.

    If a resolution isn’t achieved, Airbnb’s mediation process in the Resolution Centre will come into play, where they’ll assess the evidence and determine the outcome.

  • The process involves submitting a request for compensation to the Resolution Centre, providing evidence of the damage, like photos, videos, and receipts, and allowing the guest to respond. If the guest agrees to the claim, Airbnb facilitates the payment, but if the guest disputes the claim, Airbnb may step in to mediate.

    They’ll review all provided information and determine the appropriate action, which can include collecting funds from the guest’s security deposit. If you didn’t charge a security deposit, you can still request compensation from the guest, and you may be eligible for reimbursement through Airbnb’s Host Guarantee.

  • If a guest causes damage that exceeds the security deposit amount, you can still request the additional amount through the Airbnb Resolution Centre. If the guest agrees, they’ll be charged the additional amount. If the guest doesn’t agree to the extra amount, Airbnb may intervene.

    After assessing the evidence, they’ll make a decision. Airbnb’s Host Guarantee may provide some coverage beyond the security deposit, subject to certain conditions and limitations. However, it’s important to note that this is not a replacement for homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.

  • Airbnb management companies, like Stayful, can assist by setting appropriate security deposit amounts, ensuring guests are aware of the security deposit and what it covers, documenting the property’s condition before and after stays, managing communication with guests regarding damages, and navigating the Resolution Centre process.

    With their Airbnb property management expertise, they can streamline these processes, reduce conflicts, and protect both the property and the host’s interests.

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